Twice a year, the EIPIN-Innovation Society network organises international conferences. These conferences address the role of IP as a complex adaptive system in the different stages of the innovation life cycle.
25-27 January 2018
1st EIPIN-Innovation Society Congress ‘Innovation and Triple Helix’, Maastricht
˃˃ The programme of the congress can be consulted here
˃˃ A report can be read here
25-26 April 2018
2nd EIPIN-Innovation Society Congress ‘Enforcing Intellectual Property in Trade and Investment Agreements: what safeguards for its social function?’, Strasbourg
˃˃ The programme of the congress can be consulted here
˃˃ A report can be read here
>> Videorecording and PPP can be found here
23-24-25 January 2019
3rd EIPIN-Innovation Society Congress, Alicante
>> The programme of the congress can be consulted here
>> A report can be read here
4-6 April 2019
4th EIPIN-Innovation Society Congress, London
The second leg of the 20th EIPIN Congress took place at the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London from 4-6 April 2019. The Congress considered, overall, the role of diverse decision making bodies and their specific function in the context of the evolution of intellectual property law, both in Europe and abroad, and comprised topics such as the interaction between intellectual property and human rights before the CJEU and the ECHR, the degree of flexibility in IP-related arbitration, aspects of self-regulation and enforcement as well as insights from current US scholarship on copyright and music licensing.
>> The programme of the congress can be consulted here
>> A report can be read here
22-24 January 2020
5th EIPIN-Innovation Society Congress, Maastricht
>> The programme of the congress can be consulted here
>> A report can be read here
23-25 April 2020
6th EIPIN-Innovation Society Congress, Munich: this event was cancelled due to COVID-19.
25 June 2020
Online conference Fostering Innovation in Europe – Intellectual Property Policies and Law, organised by Maastricht University in collaboration with EUIPO.
>> More information and registration
In the course of 2021
Final EIPIN-Innovation Society Congress, Strasbourg (due to COVID-19, the date is not set yet)