Université de Strasbourg
The Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), founded in 1963, is an institute of the University of Strasbourg. Its mandate is to provide high level teaching and to undertake research in all fields of intellectual property. The Centre is managed by a Director General, Christophe Geiger, Associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg, who was appointed in 2008.
Today, CEIPI offers various diplomas awarded by the University of Strasbourg. Their objective is to prepare engineers, scientists or legal practitioners for professional examinations in industrial property. Similarly, CEIPI is also in charge of seminars and courses whose goal is to prepare future legal representatives for the European qualifying exam. Furthermore, next to its various LL.M. programmes in intellectual property designed for law graduates, CEIPI also offers established professionals the opportunity to acquire specialised knowledge by obtaining a diploma in Patent Litigation in Europe, or an LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law and Management.
CEIPI’s Research Department completes the Centre’s academic endeavour. It is focused on the evolution of intellectual property in the knowledge-based society. The department’s activities include publications, participation in European and international projects, as well as organisation of academic events, legal workshops, and conferences. The Research Department is moreover responsible for the LL.M. in European and International Intellectual Property Law.
Beyond a close co-operation with the main professional bodies and national institutional partners in the intellectual property field such as the Institut national de la propriété industrielle (INPI), CEIPI is committed to an international approach through co-operation agreements with the principal European and international organisations in the IP field; these include for instance the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), the European Patent Office (EPO) or the African Intellectual Property Organisation (OAPI).