Skills 3 Training: Presenting and Publishing, part B on “Academic Publishing” and “Drafting policy-briefs”, Strasbourg
EIPIN IS early stage researchers (ESRs) met in Strasbourg from 13th Feb 2019 to 15th Feb 2019, shortly after the EIPIN congress in Alicante. The training was aimed at acquainting ESRs on presenting and publishing academic research.
The training was divided into two parts namely on the process of publication and further translating academic research into practically applicable policy document. Further, there was also a talk with EU parliamentarian Ms. Julia Reda, MEP, Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance (EFA) sandwiched between the two training activities.
The training was commenced on 13th by Mr. Oleksandr Bulayenko who spoke about the role and process of academic publishing. A lively discussion ensued between the presenter and the ESRs on the role and reasons of publishing, the avenues available, the process of publishing and also on the formal requirements to be adhered to when preparing manuscripts. Further, process of academic reviews, the benefits and cons of co-authorship were discussed.
On morning of 14th Feb, Dr. Xavier Seuba shared his experiences on bringing academic research into real world through the means of policy reports or briefs. The ESRs were made aware of the differences between academic writing and policy writing by highlighting the diversity of the audience that one intends to address. The structure of the policy report and policy study was contrasted with that of academic writing. The training was followed by an interactive session with Ms. Reda, on the impact of academic research on policy and the interactions of legislators with academics.
The talk with Ms. Reda was followed by an interesting and unique roundtable session on “Adapting Copyright to the Digital Environment in the EU: The impossible reform?” in Café de la Biennale d’art contemporain de Strasbourg. The roundtable was hosted by Yasmina Khouaidjia (Commissaire de la Biennale d’art contemporain de Strasbourg) and Christophe Geiger (Professeur à l’Université de Strasbourg, Directeur général du CEIPI). Ms. Julia Reda, Giancarlo Frosio (Senior Researcher at CEIPI, Michel Vivan (Professeur à Science Po Paris et au CEIP), Florian Mehnert (Artiste et exposant à la Biennale d’art contemporain de Strasbourg), along with the hosts discussed on the recent copyright amendment and the view of the present copyright law from the lens of contemporary artist was enriching. The event ended with an interesting tour of Biennale d’art contemporain.
On 15th Feb, the training ended with Dr. Giancarlo Frosio presenting about the different methods and avenues available for academic publishing, the time line for book publishing and also certain useful tools (websites) available for easing publication process were highlighted, providing the ESRs with some practical insights into the world of academic publishing.
Report by Girish Somawarpet
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