On 8th October 2019, ESR 4 – Maurizio Crupi presented at the III Journée de la Jeune Recherche en Propriété Intellectuelle (JJRPI) organised by the Institut de Recherche en Propriété Intellectuelle (IRPI) at Université Paris II.
Maurizio delivered a presentation titled “PDOs and PGIs: a more pragmatic approach to the link to origin“, showing whether the legal requirements for the registration of EU PDOs and PGIs are reflected in the single documents made available on the EU database. The presentation focused on the results of the empirical analysis of the link to origin and the outcome of the interviews conducted with producers’ groups, as part of Maurizio’s PhD thesis. A more detailed description of the presentation is available here.
The ESR received enlightening inputs from two commentators Fabrice Picod (Université Paris II) and Jean-Pierre Clavier (Université de Nantes) and from all participants, allowing a successful exchange with French and international scholars working on different facets of IP.
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